NOTE: Our site is 100% SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encrypted, and your payment details are safe when purchasing tickets for the 2nd Annual Willam Jam directly from our site. If you prefer to purchase tickets from our ticketing platform, please visit our Eventbrite page here.
(Scroll through available ticket options from the window below, and pay what you can!)
A NOTE ON TICKETS: Tickets will also be sold at the door, but we recommend you get your ticket in advance here! In the spirit of access, we are offering sliding scale tickets for this event. No one will be turned away for lack of funds! The donation ticket option allows you to choose a price – please pay what you can. We encourage folks who have access to financial security, own property or have personal savings – folks who have economic privelege – to pay the $100 ticket price (or more via the donation option!). Please be mindful that if you purchase a price at the lowest end of the scale when you can truthfully afford the higher ticket prices, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial flexibility. At the end of the day, the sliding scale relies on trust. We trust y’all to be honest in your assessment of your economic reality. Thank you for supporting our work and joining us in community at this event!
Green Anchors PDX
8940 North Bradford St.
Portland, OR 97203